WBUT PGET Result 2023 Declared: Download Score Card at makautwb.ac.in

Check WBUT PGET Result 2023 now on the official website of MAKAUT. Find important details like release date, cut off marks, score card, and merit list in this article. Follow the simple steps provided to easily access your result.

By Ramya | Last Modified:
WBUT PGET Result 2023 Declared: Download Score Card at makautwb.ac.in
WBUT PGET Result 2023 Declared: Download Score Card at makautwb.ac.in

WBUT PGET Result 2023 (Out): The Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT) has declared the WBUT PGET Result 2023 for the West Bengal University of Technology Post Graduate Entrance Test (PGET). Candidates who appeared for the PGET exam on 25th June 2023 can now check their results online. The WBUT PGET Result 2023 is accessible on the official website of MAKAUT. This article provides an overview of the WBUT PGET Result 2023, including important details such as the result release date, cut off marks, score card, and merit list.

PGET Result 2023 Details

  1. Organization Name: Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT)
  2. Examination Name: West Bengal University of Technology Post Graduate Entrance Test (PGET)
  3. WBUT PGET Exam Date: 25th June 2023
  4. WBUT PGET Result Release Date:  Released on 25th July 2023
  5. Official Website: makautwb.ac.in

WBUT PGET Cut Off Marks 2023: 

The WBUT PGET Cut Off Marks 2023 are the minimum qualifying marks that candidates must obtain to be eligible for admission to various postgraduate courses. The cut off marks are determined based on factors like the number of applicants, the difficulty level of the exam, and the availability of seats in different courses.

WBUT PGET Score Card 2023 Download: 

Candidates can download their WBUT PGET Score Card 2023 from the official website of MAKAUT. The score card will display the candidate's performance in the entrance test, including the total marks obtained and the sectional scores. It is an essential document for the further admission process.

WBUT PGET Merit List 2023: 

The WBUT PGET Merit List 2023 will contain the names of candidates who have secured high ranks in the entrance test. Candidates included in the merit list will have a better chance of securing admission to their preferred postgraduate courses in MAKAUT.

Simple Ways To Check WBUT PGET Result 2023:

 Candidates can follow these simple steps to check the WBUT PGET Result 2023:

  1. Visit the official website of MAKAUT at makautwb.ac.in.
  2. Look for the "Results" or "PGET Result 2023" section on the homepage and click on it.
  3. Enter the required login credentials, such as registration number and date of birth.
  4. Submit the details, and the WBUT PGET Result 2023 will be displayed on the screen.
  5. Check the result and download the score card for future reference

Check WBUT PGET Result 2023 - Click Here (Available Now)

FAQ on WBUT PGET Result 2023 Declared: Download Score Card at makautwb.ac.in 2025

What is the significance of WBUT PGET Result 2023?

The WBUT PGET Result 2023 is important as it determines the eligibility of candidates for admission to postgraduate courses offered by MAKAUT.

When was the WBUT PGET Result 2023 released?

The WBUT PGET Result 2023 was released on 25th July 2023.

How can I download the WBUT PGET Score Card 2023?

Candidates can download their WBUT PGET Score Card 2023 from the official website of MAKAUT.

What is the WBUT PGET Cut Off Marks 2023?

The WBUT PGET Cut Off Marks 2023 are the minimum qualifying marks that candidates must obtain to be eligible for admission.

What is the WBUT PGET Merit List 2023?

The WBUT PGET Merit List 2023 contains the names of candidates who have secured high ranks in the entrance test.

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