Model Jail Chandigarh Recruitment 2021 - Apply for 101 Driver, Electrician Vacancies

By Kalai Selvi | Last Modified:

Model Jail Chandigarh Recruitment 2021: Model Jail Chandigarh has released the job notification for 101 Driver, Medical Officer, Pharmacist, Carpenter, Store Keeper, Teacher, Electrician, Assistant Superintendent Job vacancies. The educational qualification for recruitment is ITI, Retired. The interested and eligible candidates can able to apply for the job notification from 19/10/2021 to 10/11/2021. The selected candidates will be placed in All Over Chandigarh. For this notification, Model Jail Chandigarh recruits candidates by Offline mode only. The application form will be downloaded from the official website The candidates need to fill the Model Jail Chandigarh application form and send it to the organization address. The application form should contain all the necessary documents. Most of the time the job application is to be couriered to the notified address. The application received after 10/11/2021 will be invalid.

Model Jail Chandigarh Assistant Superintendent Recruitment 2021

Model Jail Chandigarh Recruitment 2021 Summary
OrganizationModel Jail Chandigarh
Job CategoryPSU Jobs 
Job TypeChandigarh Govt Jobs
RecruitmentModel Jail Chandigarh Recruitment
Job NameDriver, Medical Officer, Pharmacist, Carpenter, Store Keeper, Teacher, Electrician, Assistant Superintendent 
Job locationAll Over Chandigarh
QualificationITI, Retired
Start Date19/10/2021
Last Date10/11/2021
Apply ModeOffline(By Postal)

Model Jail Chandigarh Store Keeper Job Notification 2021 Details

Here below you can find details of the latest Model Jail Chandigarh Driver, Medical Officer, Pharmacist, Carpenter, Store Keeper, Teacher, Electrician, Assistant Superintendent, Welfare officer, Psychologist, Polish Master, Master Tailoring and Embroidery, Warder recruitment vacancy details, educational qualification details, age limit, application fees, salary details, selection process, application process and apply link.

Vacancy Details

Model Jail Chandigarh has released 101 vacancies for Driver Recruitment 2021. Check the detailed information on the vacancy details given below.

Post NameVacancies
Medical Officer1
Store Keeper2
Assistant Superintendent 2
Welfare officer1
Polish Master1
Master Tailoring and Embroidery1
Total101 Vacancies

Educational Qualification

The candidates who have completed an ITI, Retired are eligible to apply for this job notification. Here below detailed information has been given by post name.

Post NameQualification
WarderEx-Servicemen/ Retirees/ pensioners Constable/ Head Constable, ASI from Police, Para Military Force, retired warder, Head-Warder
Assistant SuperintendentEx-Servicemen/ Retirees/ pensioners at least Subedar/ Warrant Officer/ Fleet Master, Chief Petty Officer). Sub-Inspector, Inspector Retired from Police & Para Military Force.
Welfare OfficerEx-Servicemen/ Retirees/pensioners at least Subedar/Warrant Officer/ Fleet Master, Chief Petty Officer). Sub-Inspector, Inspector Retired from Police & Para Military Force
Medical OfficerRetired Medical Officer/ SMO
PharmacistRetired Pharmacist/ Senior Pharmacist/ Pharmacy Officer/ Senior Pharmacy Officer
PsychologistRetired Psychologist
Carpenter MasterRetired Carpenter Master or Retired Teacher of ITI in carpenter trade.
Polish MasterRetired Polish Master or Retired Teacher of ITI in Polish trade.
Master Tailoring and EmbroideryRetired Master Tailoring or Embroidery or Retired Teacher of ITI in Tailoring or Embroidery.
ElectricianRetired Electrician
TeacherRetired TGT Teacher in Vocal Music, Fine Art & Instrumental Music.
DriverRetired Driver
StorekeeperRetired Storekeeper

Salary Details

Salary details have been given below. Kindly check the salary information as per the post name.

Post NameSalary
All PostsAs per the 7th Central Pay Commission. 

Selection Process

The selection of the retirees/pensioners for engagement of the posts on a contract basis shall be made by the Selection Committee through interviews who will recommend a panel of suitable candidates from amongst the applicants.

Steps to Apply Model Jail Chandigarh Driver Recruitment 2021

The candidates are requested to follow the below steps to apply for the Model Jail Chandigarh Offline(By Postal) Recruitment 2021.

  1. Go to the official Model Jail Chandigarh website
  2. Search for the Career/ Advertisement menu
  3. Search for the Driver, Medical Officer, Pharmacist, Carpenter, Store Keeper, Teacher, Electrician, Assistant Superintendent Job Notification and click on it
  4. Download and View the Model Jail Chandigarh Driver job notification
  5. Verify your eligibility and go further
  6. Fill all the details correctly and attach the necessary documents
  7. Self attest all the documents
  8. Pay the application fees if applicable
  9. Take a photocopy of your application
  10. Send the application form to the notified address before 10/11/2021

Postal Address to Send Model Jail Chandigarh Job Application 2021

The candidates need to send the job application to the address below before 10/11/2021

Postal Address
The office of Superintendent Model Jail, Chandigarh, Sector 51, Chandigarh.

Important Dates

Start Date19/10/2021
Last Date10/11/2021
Notification link
Click here
Application Form
Click here
Official Website
Click here

FAQ on Model Jail Chandigarh Recruitment 2025

What is the qualification for this Model Jail Chandigarh recruitment?

The qualifications are ITI, Retired.

Who can apply for Model Jail Chandigarh job notification?

Interested and passed in ITI, Retired can able to apply for this Model Jail Chandigarh job notification.

How much vacancies are available?

Currently, 101 vacancies are available.

What is the start date to apply for the notification?

The application start date is 19/10/2021.

What is the last date to apply for the notification?

The application end date is 10/11/2021.

What are the job names?

The job names are Driver, Medical Officer, Pharmacist, Carpenter, Store Keeper, Teacher, Electrician, Assistant Superintendent .

What is the apply mode for the notification?

The apply mode is Offline (By Postal).

Model Jail Chandigarh Recruitment 2021 - Apply for 101 Driver, Electrician Vacancies
Model Jail Chandigarh Recruitment 2021 - Apply for 101 Driver, Electrician Vacancies